Thursday, June 25, 2015

7 Months

It's been weeks since I've turned 7 months. Mama certainly can't keep up with me!

I love to eat mushy things, sleep, poop...and I can blow bubbles and say "bleh bleh bleh" I am so close to crawling, but because I love to stand up, I might just skip the whole crawling thing and get to running!

Sunday, May 17, 2015

6 Months!

I'm half-a-year old! I enjoy sleeping, eating, standing (but not on my own yet) and good hearty belly laugh -- usually brought on by big sister Dalia.

Mama says no 6-month old is complete without their very own passport. So, this baby is 'going international!' I hope going international isn't as bad as it tastes.

Love, Adam 

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Sleep King

If there's one activity I love doing the most -- besides smiling, of course -- it's sleeping! This is a happy me after a 5-hour nap. And I still slept through the night. I'm a good boy!

Love, Adam

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Growing Adam

Dear Nana and Jeddo,

Hi.I'm Adam.

Mama's a little late getting a start on my baby book -- but better late than never! Now you can watch me grow!

